This is the promised continuation of my previous post about the monster jobs with high satisfaction rating!
Number 5: College Professors - Communications
Rating: 79.2
Language is a powerful tool that many wish to learn. And the professionals who teach how to master this tool live with pride in sharing their knowledge. What can be more rewarding and satisfying that speaking your way to practicing your job.
Number 4: Pediatricians - General
Rating: 80.0
People who love kids seem to find a great gratification and contentment in pediatrics. The sweet innocent look of each child that they cure and help give them angelic smile that not other jobs can give. It’s saving the lives or health at least of many kids that makes this one of the monster jobs, truly rewarding.
Number 3: Aircraft Assemblers - Structure, Surfaces, Rigging & Systems
Rating: 83.3
Do you want to fly? There’s a great possibility that you will answer yes. With that, you can be a pilot, a skydiver, a parachute, or a simple freefall artist. Still, there are some who wants to see flight, but don’t necessarily want to be with it. Like the monster jobs of aircraft assemblers. They just want to see the sky moving with their creations. It’s like flying a kite, turned real big time!
Number 2: Municipal Fire Fighters
Rating: 90.0
Remember the movie Ladder 49 by John Travolta? That was a one inspiring and moving film, right? Now imagine being John Travolta on that movie, or at least the other firefighters? How would you feel when the whole world looks at you as a hero? That is more than any man could ask for!
Number 1: Singers
Rating: 91.7
And la – la – la – la! This is a surprise to me (I thought Actor/Actress will top the list, this is close anyway). Imagine fame, glory and money! Who doesn’t like those? There is really no need to explain this thing. Doing so will be like singing an off-tuned a capella. This tops the list of our monster jobs with highest rating, and that roars melodically.